Algorithm: [iterative] design of experiments

The design of experiments API follows the GdR MASCOT-NUM template standard, for R language.

Most of algorithms are implemented in a file ‘MyAlgorithm.R’ located in ‘Funz/plugins/doe’ directory, mainly requiring a header and four methods:


#' constructor and initializer of algorithm
#' @param options algorithm options
#' @return algorithm object : environment options, status
MyAlgorithm <- function(options) {
    algorithm = new.env()

#' first design building.
#' @param algorithm object handling options, status, ...
#' @param input the input variables and their properties (like min, max)
#' @param output the output targets names
#' @return matrix of first design step
getInitialDesign <- function(algorithm,input,output) {

#' iterated design building.
#' @param algorithm object handling options, status, ...
#' @param X matrix of current doe variables
#' @param Y matrix of current results
#' @return matrix of next doe step
getNextDesign <- function(algorithm,X,Y) {

#' final analysis.
#' @param algorithm object handling options, status, ...
#' @param X matrix of current doe variables
#' @param Y matrix of current results
#' @return HTML string of analysis
displayResults <- function(algorithm,X,Y) {

Note that you can also test and use these templated algorithms from R (without Funz), using the templr package:


test_objective_function = function(X) {
    x1 = X[1]
    x2 = X[2]
    ... #

run.algorithm(algorithm_file = 'MyAlgorithm.R',
              objective_function = test_objective_function,
              input = list( x1=list(min=0,max=1), x2=list(min=0,max=1)),
              options = list(maxit=10),

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