Model plugin


Funz model ‘plugin’ is the component that features funz to interact with all external simulation software. It mainly provides input/output parsing and launch scripts, but can also (optionally) provides a way to follow simulations progress, failover support, …

For now, following plugins are available out-of-the-box:

  • Bash Funz-Bash
  • Cast3m Funz-Cast3m
  • Cmd.exe Funz-Cmd.exe
  • Cristal Funz-Cristal
  • Excel Funz-Excel
  • Jupyter Funz-Jupyter
  • MCNP Funz-MCNP
  • Modelica Funz-Modelica
  • Moret Funz-Moret
  • Python Funz-Python
  • R Funz-R
  • Rmd Funz-Rmd
  • Scale Funz-Scale
  • Telemac Funz-Telemac
  • VBS Funz-VBS

For convenience, a basic template is provided and should be used as a scratch project.


Once installed, Funz can integrate some more plugins. Python and R wrappers provide install.Model('CODENAME') methods to add one of the previously bundled.

From scratch (when no bundle is available), you can add a new plugin by hand:

  • on the backend side:
    • if an [optional] extension (a .cplugin.jar file) can provide dedicated methods to launch, stop, and report progress of a given calculation with a code, put the .cplugin.jar file inside the Funz installation path, in plugins/calc directory,
    • update the ‘calculator.xml’ XML file: add the line (replacing CODENAME)
      <CODE name="CODENAME" cplugin="file:./plugins/calc/CODENAME.cplugin.jar" command="/PATH/TO/CODE/SCRIPT" />
    • wait 5 seconds for automatic update of backend,
  • on the frontend side:
    • put the ‘CODENAME.ioplugin’ file in ‘Funz/plugins/io/’ directory (see following section about impl.),
    • restart frontend

Bundle implementation



These steps will guide you to build a basic plugin, which is sufficient for most of your needs. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to access lower level features (ie. Java plugin API) to solve some issues (eg. special binary format for output files, …). Then, you should use the dedicated reference guide of this API: plugin API.

  1. Checkout the plugin template:
  2. Edit the ‘build.xml’ file to replace MyPlugin by the name of your plugin (usually, the name of the simulation software)
  3. Edit the ‘’ description file:
    • replace ‘MyPlugin’ by the name of your plugin
    • choose the variable syntax and replace $( and ) ($ should be replaced by a reserved character unused in the code syntax)
    • choose the formula syntax and replace @{ and } (@ should be replaced by a reserved character unused in the code syntax)
    • change the comment character # by the one used in your code syntax
    • provide a (small & simple) typical input file, containing some parameters
       ... $(x1) ...
       ... $(x2) ...
    • manually replace ‘x1’ and ‘x2’, and run this file with your simulation code to get the output files
    • select the main output files containing interest values (eg. by their extension), and give some sample:
       z= ...
    • describe what output values are read
  4. According to previous choices, rename and implement the ‘src/main/io/MyPlugin.ioplugin’ file:
  5. Rename and adapt the shell script to launch the code ‘src/main/scripts/’ and/or ‘src/main/scripts/MyPlugin.bat’. The script should support these features (see this script for an advanced example):
    • environment variables setting needed for code running,
    • pre-processing of running directory, for instance create directory, move files insides, apply dos2unix command on input files,
    • emulation of graphical display and interaction (using Xvfb and xdotool)
    • post-processing of code output for easier parsing by Funz (grep, awk, sed),
    • cleaning of directory after calculation is done to suppress big files,
    • support for efficient kill running calculation (in case the connected front-end ask for):
    • if your script creates a ‘PID’ file, all integers written inside will be used as arguments for taskkill or kill -9 commands,
    • if your script creates a ‘KILL.bat’ or ‘’ file, it will be launched.
  6. Provide (at least) one non-parametric test case in ‘src/test/cases/’, containing all input files of this test case (without any parameter), including the main file which is passed as first argument to the ‘.sh’ script:
    • then, launch the simulation on all test cases (one in each ‘src/test/cases/’ subdirectory)
      • possibly by calling ant run-reference-cases (which will use the previous script),
    • so that once finished, all directories ‘src/test/cases/’ will contain these files & dirs:
      • ‘input/’ which contains all input files (which includes file also)
      • ‘output/’ which contains all output files
      • ‘info.txt’ which contains optional informations about the run (without output values extracted for now)
  7. Now you can fill the ‘src/main/io/MyPlugin.ioplugin’ file with parsing of output values:
     outputlist=x y z
     output.x.get=lines("(.*)out") >> filter("^x=(.*)") >> after("=")
     output.y.get=lines("(.*)out") >> filter("^y=(.*)") >> after("=")
     output.z.get=lines("(.*)out") >> filter("^z=(.*)") >> after("=")

    Note that output.XXX.get= syntax is a pipe suite expression wich API is given in plugin API. In order to check these expressions, you can test instantly your plugin behavior using the ant read-output-tests and ant parse-input-tests from plugin directory. * Once stable, you can append the extracted output (from ant read-output-tests result) as new keys in ‘info.txt’:


    so that this test case is now complete.

  8. Check all test cases using ant test, which returns a json report, and should not finished by FAILED
  9. Provide some sample case files in ‘src/main/samples/’.

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