Usage: Command Line

For bash or cmd.exe, the usage pattern is the following -h or Funz.bat -h:

Usage: Funz.(sh|bat) COMMAND [ARGS] Run ... Launch (remote) calculations, replacing variables by given values Design ... Apply an algorithm on an executable program returning target output value RunDesign ... Apply an algorithm and launch required calculations ParseInput ... Find variables inside parametrized input file CompileInput ... Replace variables inside parametrized input file ReadOutput ... Read output files content GridStatus Display calculators list and status

Then, depending on the COMMAND, the pattern becomes:

  • to run simple parametric calculations: Run -h
Funz.(sh|bat) Run ... --help, -h Help Display help --model, -m Model Code to launch: Modelica cmd.exe bash --input_files, -if Input files List of input files for code --output_expression, -oe Output expression Output expression to parse when calculation finished: GaussianDensity Numeric NumericArray Sequence Numeric2D Numeric2DArray Numeric3D Numeric3DArray Anything AnythingND Text --input_variables, -iv Input variables Input variables definition 'name=values|model', e.g. x1=0.1,0.2,0.3 x2=0,1 x3=-0.5,-0.6 --all_combinations, --all All combinations Use a factorial design to compute all combinations of input variables. --run_control, -rc Run control Features of the run, e.g. retry=3 cache=/tmp/MyCache archiveFilter="(.*)" --monitor_control, -mc Monitor control Monitoring options, e.g. sleep=5 display=/usr/local/command_to_display_results --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --archive_dir, -ad Archiving directory Directory where to store output files and data --print_filter, -pf Print filter Output data filter: x1 x2 y code duration ... --print, -p Print file Filename with data format: xml json or csv (default if not recognized)
  • to drive a parametric external program by an algorithm: Design -h
Funz.(sh|bat) Design ... --help, -h Help Display help --function, -f Function Executable to launch with input variables as arguments: /path/to/exec 0.1 0.2 --function_args, -fa Function arguments Input variables order to pass to function: x1 x2 --function_parallel, -fp Function parallel evaluations Number of function parallel evaluations --design, -d Design Algorithm to drive calculations points: GradientDescent Brent --input_variables, -iv Input variables Input variables definition 'name=values|model', e.g. x1=0.1,0.2,0.3 x2=[0,1] x3=-0.5,-0.6 --design_options, -do Design options Options of the algorithm definition name=value, e.g. n=100 iMax=20 --run_control, -rc Run control Features of the run, e.g. retry=3 cache=/tmp/MyCache --monitor_control, -mc Monitor control Monitoring options, e.g. sleep=5 display=/usr/local/command_to_display_results --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --archive_dir, -ad Archiving directory Directory where to store output files and data --print_filter, -pf Print filter Output data filter: x1 x2 y code duration ... --print, -p Print file Filename with data format: xml json or csv (default if not recognized)
  • to drive parametric calculations by an algorithm: RunDesign -h
Funz.(sh|bat) RunDesign ... --help, -h Help Display help --model, -m Model Code to launch: Modelica cmd.exe bash --input_files, -if Input files List of input files for code --output_expression, -oe Output expression Output expression to parse when calculation finished: GaussianDensity Numeric NumericArray Sequence Numeric2D Numeric2DArray Numeric3D Numeric3DArray Anything AnythingND Text --design, -d Design Algorithm to drive calculations points: GradientDescent Brent --input_variables, -iv Input variables Input variables definition 'name=values|model', e.g. x1=0.1,0.2,0.3 x2=[0,1] x3=-0.5,-0.6 --design_options, -do Design options Options of the algorithm definition name=value, e.g. n=100 iMax=20 --run_control, -rc Run control Features of the run, e.g. retry=3 cache=/tmp/MyCache archiveFilter="(.*)" --monitor_control, -mc Monitor control Monitoring options, e.g. sleep=5 display=/usr/local/command_to_display_results --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --archive_dir, -ad Archiving directory Directory where to store output files and data --print_filter, -pf Print filter Output data filter: x1 x2 y code duration ... --print, -p Print file Filename with data format: xml json or csv (default if not recognized)

Access to some intern features is also available:

  • parse parametric input files to identify parameters and expected output: ParseInput -h
Funz.(sh|bat) ParseInput ... --help, -h Help Display help --model, -m Model Code to launch: Modelica cmd.exe bash --input_files, -if Input files List of input files for code --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --print, -p Print file Filename with data format: xml json or csv (default if not recognized)
  • parse & compile parametric input files to replace parameters: CompileInput -h
Funz.(sh|bat) CompileInput ... --help, -h Help Display help --model, -m Model Code ID to launch: Modelica cmd.exe bash --input_files, -if Input files List of input files for code --input_variables, -iv Input variables Input variables definition 'name=values|model', e.g. x1=0.1,0.2,0.3 x2=[0,1] x3=-0.5,-0.6 --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --archive_dir, -ad Archiving directory Directory where to store output files and data
  • read output files to get expected values of interest: ReadOutput -h
Funz.(sh|bat) ReadOutput ... --help, -h Help Display help --model, -m Model Code to launch: Modelica cmd.exe bash --input_files, -if Input files List of input files for code --verbosity, -v Verbosity Verbosity level in 0-10 --output_dir, -od Output directory Directory where to output files are stored --print, -p Print file Filename with data format: xml json or csv (default if not recognized)
  • scan newtwork & local computers suitable to launch calculations: GridStatus
| Computer | host name | OS | address:port | local status | since | activity | codes | |----------|-----------|-----------------|-------------------|--------------|----------|----------------------------------------|----------------| | neutro-1 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-2 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-3 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-4 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-5 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash |

For conveniency, an auto-completion profile is also provided in Funz distribution, which will complete your partial command-line (to load in bash with source Funz/Funz.profile).

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