Usage: R


  • R 4.x (should work with 3.5+, but not officially supported)

Loading Funz

Using a devtools install

Once Funz is installed form R (devtools::install_github('Funz/Funz.R')), then just load it using:


or Using pre-installed Funz

You need to load Funz interactively:


Then you can initialize Funz engine calling Funz.init() with following arguments:

FUNZ_HOME = Sys.getenv("FUNZ_HOME")
java.control = if ([['sysname']]=="Windows") list(Xmx="512m",Xss="256k") else list(Xmx="512m"))
verbosity = 0



which returns:

Initializing JVM ...
  Loading java/lang/System ...
Java Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
 version 1.8.0_201
 from path /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre
  Loading org/funz/Constants ...
Funz 1.9 <build 27/03/2019 15:05>
  Loading org/funz/api/Funz_v1 ...
  Initializing Funz...
  Funz models: bash cmd.exe Modelica
  Funz designs: GradientDescent Brent

Using Funz

Main features & functions:

  • to run external parametric calculations of simulator model with input files input.files: Run() (or Funz_Run() if not using devtools::install_github) with following arguments:
    model = NULL
    input.variables = NULL
    is.factorial = FALSE
    output.expressions = NULL
    run.control = list(force.retry=2, cache.dir=NULL)
    archive.dir = NULL
    verbosity = 0
    log.file = TRUE
    monitor.control = list(sleep=5,
  • to drive a R function fun by algorithm design: Design() (or Funz_Design() when not using devtools::install_github) with following (default) arguments:
    fun # R function to drive by algorithm
    design # algorithm to use
    options = NULL
    input.variables = NULL
    fun.control = list(cache=FALSE,vectorize="for",
    monitor.control = list(results_tmp=TRUE}
    archive.dir = NULL
    verbosity = 0
    log.file = TRUE
  • to drive external parametric calculations of simulator model with input files input.files by algorithm design: RunDesign() (or Funz_RunDesign() when not using devtools::install_github) with following (default) arguments:
    model = NULL
    input.files = NULL
    output.expressions = NULL
    design = NULL
    input.variables = NULL
    design_options = NULL
    run.control = list(force_retry=2,cache_dir=NULL)
    monitor.control = list(results_tmp=TRUE,sleep=5,
    archive.dir = NULL
    verbosity = 0
    log.file = TRUE

Access to some intern features is also available:

  • parse parametric input.files to identify parameters and expected output from model:
  • parse & compile parametric input.files from model to replace parameters by input.values:
  • read output files in output.dir to get expected values of interest from model with input.files:
    ReadOutput(model, input.files, output.dir)
  • scan newtwork & local computers suitable to launch calculations: Grid(), which returns:
| Computer | host name | OS | address:port | local status | since | activity | codes | |----------|-----------|-----------------|-------------------|--------------|----------|----------------------------------------|----------------| | neutro-1 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-2 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-3 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-4 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash | | neutro-5 | localhost | Linux 4.15.0-43 | | free | 22:19:02 | idle (cpu=11.88;mem=26.18;disk=62.17;) | Modelica, bash |

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